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L’ Igloo – Big Fun at the Creamery

My Misfortune

Cozy in the igloo with a glass of wine

I want to tell you a story about an igloo experience at The Creamery in Haugen, Wi.  But first…  Last winter (December of 2022), I suffered the misfortune of a complete tear of my rotator cuff and a bicep tendon in my right arm.  Surgery wasn’t until mid-February…  The greatest misery perhaps, was the six weeks my arm was in a sling during a winter when I simply could do little of anything, especially ice-fishing, one of my favorite things to do.  The ‘gills and crappies would have to wait until 2023…

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The six weeks after I was out of the sling were no picnic, either.  Physical therapy wasn’t terribly painful, it was just the chore of putting my body back into some kind of shape that would allow me to do some of the things that required the strength and range of motion that had been missing for so long.  Even putting a belt through the loops of my jeans was agonizingly difficult.  Even the simplest of tasks really tested my mettle.

A Positive New Outlook

One of my favorite moments, though, was my wife telling me that she had made a reservation at a restaurant called The Creamery, overlooking Bear Creek in nearby Haugen.  We had previously enjoyed  pizza, wine and beer there during the warmer summer months (very excellent thin-crust pizza, by the way!).  But on this particular evening, our reservation was for space in one of only two “igloos” that had been erected on the outdoor deck of the restaurant.  Not the traditional igloo that comes to mind – one made with frozen blocks of ice or snow.  No, this was more of a sort of geodesic / garden dome specially constructed with outdoor dining in mind.

A positive new outlook began to warm my insides; I was immediately excited and happy to be there.  Certainly, it was nice to be “out and about” for the first time in several months.  And even though it was late March – and fairly chilly outside – inside the igloo, our personal heater and blankets – supplied The Creamery – kept the temperature mild and us quite comfortable, almost balmy to my way of thinking that night.  Actually, it could have been only 50 degrees (it was nowhere close) and I would have been perfectly happy.

Limited Menu

The pizzas of summer were not on the menu, but I didn’t care.  I was happier than a young boy with carte blanche in a candy shop!  My shoulder was a bit uncomfortable, but I was free of the sling and happy to be out and feeling almost normal!

The menu did offer several possibilities.  We selected breadsticks and dipping sauces, as well as a charcuterie board, and added a bottle of crisp white wine.  If the menu was limited, I didn’t notice and didn’t care about that either.

The sun was setting somewhat later than it had in previous days, but the encroaching cool air of late March was a reminder that, even in our own cozy igloo, perhaps it was time to finish up and head back to Rice Lake and some additional warmth.

Final Thoughts

That night at The Creamery left both of us with a very positive feeling about a very memorable experience.  Ask me if I would do it again and  the answer – without hesitation – would be a resounding YES!  In fact, plans have already been carved in stone to repeat a night for dinner in the L’ Igloo and some Big Fun at The Creamery in Haugen.

But be forewarned, there are only a couple of igloos available for reservations.  So, don’t wait too long to make one.  And if a special Valentine’s Day event is on your docket, check out what The Creamery is offering.

The Creamery doesn’t currently have a website, but you can view their location and contact information here.

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