Visit Rice Lake

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I Saw the Weed Boat!

weed boat in Rice Lake

Aquatic Weed Harvester It really all started with a T-shirt that was imprinted with the phrase: “I Saw the Weed Boat”. I had read a quarterly issue of a newsletter sent to me by the Rice Lake, Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District (RLLPD. The letter was sent to all Rice Lake residents). Note: the “Weed […]

Stewards of the Lake

A view of Rice Lake from the shoreline.

Rice Lake Spotlight Today’s Spotlight is shining on a – perhaps – bit less well-known but very important organization here in Rice Lake. But first, a little background. When I was a junior in college and taking courses in ecology and earth science, I became very concerned with problems the earth was dealing with in […]

The Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetle

ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Some folks don’t care at all for the use of pesticides to control insect pests…  like certain beetles: the Japanese beetle, in particular.  I get it.  College (and beyond) courses in ecology, entomology, biology and botany, all did their proper job of raising my level of awareness when it comes to the environment. […]

Northwoods Cycle

Northwoods Cycle logo

Rice Lake Spotlight Today’s Spotlight is shining on a new business that has taken up residence in the previous location of Libbee’s Partee Plus. Located at 19 N Main Street in Rice Lake, Northwoods Cycle is scheduled to open in early June. We’re glad to have you locate your business in Rice Lake! The ownership […]

Men’s Club Wine & Beer Festival

Wine Tasting Notes

Last Week (10-04-23), we seized upon the opportunity to attend the Annual Rice Lake Area Men’s Club Wine & Beer Festival. Having lived full-time in Rice Lake for only a relatively short period of time, we had not attended the event previously. (This page may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure about affiliate links here.) […]