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Stewards of the Lake

A view of Rice Lake from the shoreline.

Rice Lake Spotlight

Today’s Spotlight is shining on a – perhaps – bit less well-known but very important organization here in Rice Lake. But first, a little background.

When I was a junior in college and taking courses in ecology and earth science, I became very concerned with problems the earth was dealing with in terms of water, its cleanliness, use, and limited supply. That eventually led to a senior project involving a research paper and video project. Those projects really opened my eyes wide…

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My Connection With, and Love of Water

I have spent a good deal of time in boats and fishing, both on lakes and rivers. Having now become a full-time resident of Rice Lake, my connection with and love of water has strengthened anew. On Rice Lake especially, my resolve is to attain a better understanding of the processes that govern annual changes in both lake fauna and flora.

Those changes can have both positive – and potentially negative – effects on the health and well-being of this incredible resource. After attending two meetings of the Rice Lake Lake Protection District, the idea for a “Spotlight” article was born. Many thanks to Lake Coordinator Christina Solie for helping to make it happen.

Questions & Responses

man and boy in kayak on Rice Lake
Photo submitted by Peter Gallagher, Commissioner of Rice Lake Lake Protection District

The two meetings we attended ultimately put us in touch with Commissioner Peter W. Gallagher, who kindly offered to answer our questions.  Below are his responses.  Many thanks to Peter and other Commissioners and Representatives for their time with us, and their extraordinary efforts as Stewards of the Lake!

Your Story

Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today?  (You can include as little or as much detail as you’d like.)

Shortly after my wife and I moved to Rice Lake [into a home on the lake], I became concerned for the continued health and beauty of the lake. Expressing this concern to the Lake District led to my being invited to fill a vacancy as a commissioner.

Has it been a smooth road? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

“Working with a cohesive group of individuals with similar concerns has led to a positive impact on this focal point for the Rice Lake community. The diversity of our group has actually worked to our advantage in that we tend to diverge into rather specific aspects of our common mission!”

Doing as Much as We Can

Please tell us more about your business or organization. What should we know?

Obviously, this group is charged with doing as much as we can to serve the public while avoiding and discouraging any activities or actions that could degrade the lake, water quality, or overall environment.

One Goal

Rice Lake at sunset
Photo submitted by Peter Gallagher, Commissioner of Rice Lake Lake Protection District

What matters most to you? Why?

“I am very much interested in our efforts to avoid runoff of as much nutrient and pollution laden water as possible. One goal is to encourage the planting of native species and eradicating invasive non-native plants. I believe that the message is resonating with the public!”

Please provide any contact information that you want us to share with our readers (website, email, social media).

Rice Lake Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
PO Box 446
Rice Lake, WI 54868


Additional Questions?

Note from the author and Should the reader have additional questions, a visit to the website mentioned above (, and specific faq page ( should answer just about any question you may have.

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Yvonne & Richard