The Japanese Beetle

Japanese Beetle

ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Some folks don’t care at all for the use of pesticides to control insect pests…  like certain beetles: the Japanese beetle, in particular.  I get it.  College (and beyond) courses in ecology, entomology, biology and botany, all did their proper job of raising my level of awareness when it comes to the environment. […]

Northwoods Cycle

Northwoods Cycle logo

Rice Lake Spotlight Today’s Spotlight is shining on a new business that has taken up residence in the previous location of Libbee’s Partee Plus. Located at 19 N Main Street in Rice Lake, Northwoods Cycle is scheduled to open in early June. We’re glad to have you locate your business in Rice Lake! The ownership […]

Maple Trees & Maple Syrup

Leaves of Red Maple tree (Acer Rubrum)

The scientific genus name for the maple tree is Acer. One reason to like maple trees is they display marvelously beautiful colors in the Fall of the year. Another reason is that in addition, some species of maple trees will produce copious amounts of sap in the spring… which is used to make sweet and […]

Rise & Fall of the Salad Bar

Typical Salad Bar

SOME BACKGROUND Once upon a time – not so terribly long ago – salad bars were everywhere.  They were found in lowly high school cafeterias, corporate lunchrooms, fast food restaurants, high-end steak houses, and more.  Likely to have evolved from the smorgasbord-gone-American style, salad bars were originally an all-you-can-eat affair. They have come a long way […]

Perlick Distillery

Perlick Distillery

ONE THING FOR CERTAIN After many tours of various distilleries, one thing I know for certain: there are two basic ingredients that combine to make a terrific, distilled beverage.  The first is excellent water, and the second is high-quality grains.  It just so happens that the Perlick farm in Sarona, Wisconsin has both.  Although we […]

Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad

View of inside of Coast Starlight rail car on the Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad

A Historic Kind Of Railroad Once upon a time, in the deepest, dark-green northern parts of the Northwoods, there lived a “Little Engine That Could”.  It isn’t quite ready yet for its debut run on the Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad (a certain virus delayed it…). But there are alternatives.  Read on! According to Wikipedia, The Wisconsin […]

Not Just Any Potato

A truckload full of Kitchen Kleen Potatoes!

It’s a Kitchen Kleen Potato! Potatoes! On a bright fall day in late September while taking a long walk, we happened to be heading north on the sidewalk along the east side of Route SS – Main Street in Rice Lake, Wisconsin – when I heard the sound of a very large truck approaching from […]

Buffalo in Rice Lake?

A herd of buffalo and newborn calves grazing at a local ranch near Rice Lake

Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play…  Oddly, that song just popped into my head the other day and stuck there awhile.  Apparently, there was a good reason for it, as I soon found out. (This page may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure about affiliate […]

Story of a Vacation Home

Nissan Pathfinder getting ready to tow a Lund fishing boat

In The Beginning My story of a vacation home must include my recollections of Rice Lake, Wisconsin.  Those memories probably go back further than almost anyone would believe – certainly a time span that exceeds the lifespan of many who will read this.  I’m talking mid- to late 1950s… when I was about six or […]


People starting to file in for the annual E.A.T.S. event

A Very Tasty Night To Benefit Education One of the really neat things about moving to a new home – especially if it is in a new city and/or state – is the potential variety of new places to visit and explore.  We are entering our second year as residents of Rice Lake, Wisconsin, and […]