Feature Your Business at Visit Rice Lake!

We created VisitRiceLake.com back in 2021. Our goal now is the same as it was then: We’d like to ensure that local businesses receive prominent placement and recognition on relevant pages of the website. To that end, we’re now making it possible for businesses to choose from among various listing packages that will serve both their needs and budget. Why?

white paper lotLong after the newspapers and magazines have been recycled, and long after all the coupons have been lost in the shoebox of “special deals”, browsers are still taking potential clients to the #1 Website in the area: www.VisitRiceLake.com.  And it happens 24/7/365… We may have missed the gong on New Year’s Eve, but we’re still getting 2025 off to a great start with some new options for local businesses!

Enhance your online presence

laptop computer on glass-top tableThe “Featured Listings” option on VisitRiceLake.com is designed to be a compelling resource for local businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and reach a wider audience. Recognizing the diverse needs and budgets of Rice Lake businesses, the page presents three distinct listing tiers: Basic, Enhanced, and Ultimate.

Each tier is strategically curated to offer varying levels of visibility and marketing support, allowing businesses to select the option that best aligns with their goals. VisitRiceLake.com is the best way to ensure that the maximum number of interested clients can find you and what you have to offer. And we’re now offering incredible rates on our new 2025 listing packages! Compare all three (3) packages in more detail, with our printable brochure/flyer

If you would like to maximize both your budget AND your exposure, give us a call. People are looking for you. And the best way to find you is at VisitRiceLakeLake.com! But don’t wait too long – these introductory prices won’t last forever!*

*Beginning in March of 2025, current complimentary listings on VisitRiceLake.com will begin to revert to a Basic Listing. Images and descriptive text will be removed. Links to business websites will remain active for all Rice Lake businesses.

The Basic Listing

  • Includes a Text Link to your business website in one (1) category on the website.
  • Example: Northern Sky Designs (opens in new window)
  • Cost: $59/year – FREE for all Rice Lake businesses (a stand-alone website with secure URL is required)

The Enhanced Listing

  • Link to your business website
  • An image of your business
  • Descriptive text about your business
  • Appears in two (2) categories on the website
  • Your business will be in the Featured Listing section towards the top of the page
  • We’ll also announce your listing on our social media channels.
  • Cost $89/year (18% off regular price)
  • See example immediately below
MacBook Pro on table beside white iMac and Magic Mouse

Northern Sky Designs

Inspired by nature, driven by technology. We craft unique digital & visual experiences. Specializing in web design, social media management & digital marketing. Elevate your brand with us!

The Ultimate Listing

This option is similar to having your own website without all of the associated costs! Your business can still take advantage of all VisitRiceLake.com has to offer without the added expense of web hosting, domain registration, etc. Included is everything the Basic & Enhanced Listings offer plus your business will…

  • Appear in three (3) categories on the website.
  • Have a unique web page with up to 3 images (1 large and 2 small) and Google Map of your location.
  • Have contact information links on your page.
  • No ads will appear on your web page!
  • Cost: $159/year (24% off regular price.)
  • View our example for Northern Sky Designs
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About Us
The authors of Visit Rice Lake

Visit Rice Lake Design Team

website design, marketing, social media, content management

We became full-time residents of the City of Rice Lake in 2021. It has been our goal and desire to contribute and give back to the City in a manner that will be as helpful as possible. It is also our goal to dedicate our efforts – and a steadily progressing and growing website – to the people and businesses of Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

Yvonne & Richard