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L’ Igloo – Big Fun at the Creamery

An igloo at the Creamery

My Misfortune I want to tell you a story about an igloo experience at The Creamery in Haugen, Wi.  But first…  Last winter (December of 2022), I suffered the misfortune of a complete tear of my rotator cuff and a bicep tendon in my right arm.  Surgery wasn’t until mid-February…  The greatest misery perhaps, was […]

Do You Like Winter & Winter Sports?

Bright red winter berries

WINTER SPORTS IN RICE LAKE, WISCONSIN If you really like winter and winter sports, Rice Lake, Wisconsin should be on your radar.  Rice Lake is a special place any time of the year, but it really kicks into high gear during the winter.  Located in northwest Wisconsin, Rice Lake (in Barron County) is a tad less than […]

Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad

View of inside of Coast Starlight rail car on the Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad

A Historic Kind Of Railroad Once upon a time, in the deepest, dark-green northern parts of the Northwoods, there lived a “Little Engine That Could”.  It isn’t quite ready yet for its debut run on the Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad (a certain virus delayed it…). But there are alternatives.  Read on! According to Wikipedia, The Wisconsin […]

Not Just Any Potato

A truckload full of Kitchen Kleen Potatoes!

It’s a Kitchen Kleen Potato! Potatoes! On a bright fall day in late September while taking a long walk, we happened to be heading north on the sidewalk along the east side of Route SS – Main Street in Rice Lake, Wisconsin – when I heard the sound of a very large truck approaching from […]

Dairy Month Breakfast

Sign leading the way to the June Dairy Breakfast

DAIRY MONTH IN WISCONSIN! June is National Dairy Month.  And in Barron County and the Rice Lake area of Wisconsin, a very special event takes place every year on the first Saturday of June: the Barron County June Dairy Month Breakfast.  The last couple of years, Covid19 naturally wreaked havoc everywhere, making the breakfast difficult to […]

Buffalo in Rice Lake?

A herd of buffalo and newborn calves grazing at a local ranch near Rice Lake

Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play…  Oddly, that song just popped into my head the other day and stuck there awhile.  Apparently, there was a good reason for it, as I soon found out. (This page may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure about affiliate […]

Story of a Vacation Home

Nissan Pathfinder getting ready to tow a Lund fishing boat

In The Beginning My story of a vacation home must include my recollections of Rice Lake, Wisconsin.  Those memories probably go back further than almost anyone would believe – certainly a time span that exceeds the lifespan of many who will read this.  I’m talking mid- to late 1950s… when I was about six or […]

Supper Clubs

What Is A Supper Club? Google “supper club” and you will get over six hundred million results. You’ll encounter definitions like: “In most cases, these restaurants are only open for the supper hour” and “The proliferation of supper clubs really began after World War II,” “A Wisconsin supper club is an independently owned, fine-dining destination restaurant, […]


People starting to file in for the annual E.A.T.S. event

A Very Tasty Night To Benefit Education One of the really neat things about moving to a new home – especially if it is in a new city and/or state – is the potential variety of new places to visit and explore.  We are entering our second year as residents of Rice Lake, Wisconsin, and […]

Cabin Coffee Co.

Looking at the front entrance to Cabin Coffee Company

First Things First Rice Lake, Wisconsin: our new home that is 365 miles north of our northern Illinois previous address.  Having now unboxed – well, mostly – a moving-van-and-a-half filled with all our worldly goods and arranged them throughout our new home, it is time to begin some real exploring of the area!  (author’s special note: It’s […]